PDF reports can be generated and downloaded on demand or can be generated and emailed at scheduled intervals. The content of the PDF reports can be configured in two ways:
- By exploring the data in the monitor screens and requesting a report
- By going to the Report page to configure the details of the PDF report.
Therefore, the following PDF report generation scenarios are supported:
- Explore the data in the monitor screens and generate an ad hoc PDF report of what is shown on the screen.
- Explore the data in the monitor screens and schedule a PDF report to be generated using the configuration and filters shown on the screen.
- Configure a PDF report using the Report page.
- Configure a PDF report using the Report page and request an on-demand generation of the PDF report.
This article shows the step by step process of PDF Report Generation.
Scheduled reports can be emailed to one or more email addresses by comma separating or semi-colon separating the email addresses in the appropriate field.
Scheduled reports can be generated hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The time range included in the report matches the frequency, that is, daily reports report on a day's worth of data and is generated once a day.
Keep the following in mind:
- Hourly scheduled reports are emailed to users at 22 minutes past the hour.
- Hourly reports cannot be generated on-demand.
- Daily scheduled PDF Reports are generated every morning at 1 am.
On-demand reports from the monitor pages can include any time range available to the monitoring screens, including custom time ranges. Scheduled PDF reports can be branded by uploading your logo to be displayed on the title page of the reports. Reports scheduled from the report page can contain one or more charts in the PDF by selecting any number of charts.
To generate an on-demand PDF report from a monitor screen
- Go to any monitor screen (except the Real Time screen) and configure it according to the available controls, such as the date range selector, the Internal or External selector for hosts and user charts and subnets, drilling into the data by selecting the links in the data tables under the charts, and so on.
- Click on the Adobe PDF icon in the upper-right of the screen.
- The system will generate and present a PDF report that corresponds to what you see on the screen.
To schedule a PDF report from a monitor screen
- Go to any monitor screen (except the Real Time screen) and configure it according to the available controls, such as the date range selector, the Internal or External selector for hosts and user charts and subnets, drilling into the data by selecting the links in the data tables under the charts, and so on.
- Click on the schedule PDF icon in the upper-right of the screen.
- Optionally, protect PDF documents by specifying a password.
- On the Report Details page, specify the report name, the report frequency, and email addresses to send the report to.
- Report Name: a meaningful name for the new PDF Report.
- Report Frequency: the time range of the report and the frequency that it is sent. For example, daily frequency presents a day's worth of data and is emailed once a day.
- Email Addresses: one or more email addresses for scheduled PDF Reports. Email addresses are optional for on-demand PDF Reports. To specify multiple email addresses, comma or semicolon separate the addresses.
Note: PDF reports that were scheduled from a monitoring page cannot be edited. Ensure that you specify all the email addresses that you need it emailed to.
To schedule a new PDF report from the Reporting page
Go to Monitor > Scheduled Report > PDF Reports.
Click on the Add New PDF Report link at the top of the page.
Select the various reports you wish to include in the PDF report. Many of the reports available from the Web UI are available as PDF reports.
- Interface Throughput Summary can select a specific interface(s) or all WAN interfaces
Bridge PPS (Packets per Second) Summary can select specific bridge(s), WCCP, or all bridges
Network Summary
Subnets Summary
Detailed Subnet Reports can select specific subnet(s) and specific details for each subnet (i.e. application detail, conversation detail, host detail, URL detail, and user detail)
TCP Health
TCP Efficiency
Virtual Circuit can select specific virtual circuit(s) and specific statistics (i.e. Optimization Policy Throughput Statistics and/or Discard Statistics)
Optimization Prioritization Ratio Statistics
Optimization Reduction Statistics
Optimization Edge Cache Statistics
Appliance Statistics can select a specific appliance system statistics (i.e. Concurrent Connections, Accelerated Connections, CPU Usage, CPU Temperature, RAM Usage, SWAP Usage, Disk IO)
- Optionally protect PDF documents by specifying a password.
- On the Report Details page, specify the report name, the report frequency, and email addresses to send the report to.
- Report Name: a meaningful name for the new PDF Report.
- Report Frequency: the time range of the report and the frequency that it is sent. For example, daily frequency presents a day's worth of data and is emailed once a day.
- Email Addresses: one or more email addresses for scheduled PDF Reports. Email addresses are optional for on-demand PDF Reports. To specify multiple email addresses, comma or semicolon separate the addresses.
- The system will add this scheduled report to the scheduled report list.
To view a scheduled report on demand or edit or delete a report
- Go to Monitor > Scheduled Reports > PDF Reports.
- The scheduled PDF reports are listed with a description of the charts that will be included in the report and the list of email addresses it will be sent to.
- To view the report, click the Adobe PDF icon.
- To email the report to the email recipients on demand, click the mail icon.
- To edit or delete a configured PDF report, click on the appropriate button next to the report on the table.
Note: PDF reports that were scheduled from a monitoring page cannot be edited. Ensure that you specify all the email addresses that you need it emailed to. PDF reports can only be emailed on-demand if the report was configured with one or more email addresses.
To add a custom logo to the cover of the scheduled reports
- Go to Monitor > Scheduled Reports > Custom Logo
- Upload your custom logo.
- The system will insert the logo on the cover page of any scheduled PDF report.
- Files should be no more than 300px wide by 300px high and must be in PNG format with the maximum file size of 3MB.
- If the optimizer is off then Virtual circuit and control graphs will show no data.